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9 Surprising Things You Didn’t Know Were Insurable 

When you think about insurance, the usual suspects come to mind: cars, homes, health, maybe even your smartphone. But did you know there are some pretty surprising things out there that people have taken out insurance policies for? Yep, insurance isn’t just for the obvious stuff. Here are some of the most unexpected and quirky things people have insured.

1). Celebrity Body Parts

This one might sound bizarre, but it’s true! Celebrities often insure their body parts. Take, for example, soccer legend David Beckham, who insured his legs for a whopping $195 million. Then there’s singer Mariah Carey, who insured her vocal cords for $35 million and even her legs for another $35 million. It’s all about protecting what brings in the big bucks!

2). Taste Buds

Top food critics and wine tasters sometimes insure their taste buds. It’s their livelihood, after all. Insurance for a professional taster’s taste buds can run into the millions. Imagine the stress of losing the ability to taste when your career depends on it!

3). Fantasy Football

For the die-hard fantasy football fans, there’s insurance to cover the cost of their league fees if a star player gets injured. This can save you from financial heartbreak if your number one draft pick goes down in the first game of the season.

4). Lottery Wins

Some companies take out insurance policies to cover lottery wins in employee syndicates. This way, if a group of employees hits the jackpot and decides to quit, the company isn’t left in the lurch trying to replace everyone at once.

5). Beards and Mustaches

A beard insurance policy might sound like a joke, but it’s a real thing. For example, members of the facial hair club might insure their prized beards and mustaches. And it’s not just for looks; professional Santa Clauses and actors whose roles depend on their facial hair might also insure their whiskers.

6). Weddings

Of course, we all know that weddings can be expensive, but did you know you can insure the entire event? Wedding insurance can cover everything from a ruined dress to a no-show vendor, or even if the bride or groom gets cold feet and cancels the big day. It’s all about making sure your special day doesn’t turn into a financial nightmare.

7). Hole-in-One

Golf tournaments often offer big prizes for a hole-in-one. The sponsors of these prizes don’t want to foot the bill themselves, so they take out insurance policies. That way, if someone does get that perfect shot, the insurance company covers the cost of the prize, whether it’s a luxury car or a cash prize.

8). Voices

If you’re a professional voice artist, singer, or even a public speaker, insuring your voice is a smart move. It’s the same concept as athletes insuring their legs. If something happens to your vocal cords, insurance can provide financial support while you recover.

9). Espresso Machines

This one might seem a little mundane compared to beards and lottery wins, but high-end coffee shops often insure their espresso machines. These machines can be incredibly expensive, and any downtime can mean lost revenue.

Ready to Cover Your Bases?

Insurance isn’t just for the standard stuff; there’s a policy for almost anything you can think of. So, if you have something unique or valuable that you want to protect, it might be worth looking into some unexpected insurance options.

At Avalue Insurance, we offer a wide variety of insurance policies. From life insurance to business insurance, we’ve got you covered. And while we can’t insure your prized beard or your fantasy football team, we can help you protect the things that matter most to you and your family! Contact us today to explore your insurance options!

How Commercial Insurance Can Save Your Business from Financial Crisis

Conducting business in Centennial, CO, presents its fair share of risks and uncertainties. Fortunately, acquiring commercial insurance can be a game-changer for your business. This essential safety net can keep your business afloat in challenging times, especially during a financial crisis. Let’s delve into how commercial insurance can play a crucial role in these situations.

Unexpected Property Damage

Whether due to natural disasters or accidents, sudden property damage can severely impact your business finances. Commercial insurance helps cover the costs of such unforeseen repairs or replacements, sparing your business from significant out-of-pocket expenses.

Liability Claims

In today’s litigious society, a single liability claim can derail your business and lead to sizable financial losses. Commercial liability insurance helps shoulder the financial burden resulting from such claims, notably legal defense costs, judgments, or settlements.

Business Interruption

Certain unforeseen events can halt your business operations, leading to loss of income. Here, business interruption insurance, a common inclusion in commercial insurance policies, compensates for lost revenues, thereby safeguarding your business during a financial dip.

Employee Injuries

If an employee suffers a work-related injury or illness, workers’ compensation insurance helps cover medical expenses and wage replacement. This coverage, part of most commercial insurance policies, thus protects your business from potential financial strain.

In conclusion, commercial insurance can be a lifesaver for your business during a financial crisis, covering a plethora of risk scenarios. By leveraging its benefits, businesses in Centennial, CO, can navigate through challenging times and protect their long-term financial health.

Do New Parents Need Life Insurance? 

It’s Never Too Early to Start Planning for Your Baby’s Future!

First off, congratulations on the newest addition to your family! As you navigate the sleepless nights, endless diaper changes, and countless baby giggles, there’s something else you might need to think about: life insurance. And while it doesn’t sound nearly as exciting as picking out cute onesies or planning the first birthday party, it could be one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make for your baby’s future. And hey, it’s never too early to start planning for their future, right?

So, let’s talk about why new parents need life insurance and how you can get started right away. And don’t worry; it’s quick and easy, so you’ll be finished before the baby wakes up!

Why New Parents Need Life Insurance

Becoming a parent changes everything. Suddenly, you’re responsible for this tiny human, and you want to make sure that they’re taken care of no matter what. That’s where life insurance comes in. Here are a few reasons why it’s crucial for new parents:

  1. Financial Security for Your Child: In the unfortunate event that something happens to you, life insurance can provide financial support for your child’s upbringing, education, and other needs.
  2. Covering Outstanding Debts: The last thing you would want to do is leave your baby with debt! If you have a mortgage, car loan, or other debts, life insurance can help cover these costs so your family isn’t burdened.
  3. Replacing Lost Income: If you’re the primary breadwinner, life insurance can replace your income, ensuring your family maintains their standard of living.
  4. Support for a Stay-at-Home Parent: If one parent stays home to care for the baby, losing the working parent’s income could be extremely challenging. In the event that the working parent dies, life insurance can provide financial support, allowing the stay-at-home parent to continue providing care without needing to rush back to work. This also works in reverse, too; if the stay-at-home parent dies, then life insurance will rush in to help support the working parent, covering childcare costs and various other expenses.
  5. Ensuring Your Child’s Future Financial Needs: In some cases, life insurance can help with setting up funds for your child’s future needs, such as starting a business, college tuition, or any other significant life events. This provides a cushion that can support them in achieving their dreams.
  6. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your baby will be taken care of can give you peace of mind, allowing you to focus on the joy of raising your child.

How to Choose the Right Life Insurance Policy

Okay, so you’re convinced that life insurance is a must. But how do you choose the right policy? Here are some tips to help you out:

  1. Determine How Much Coverage You Need: Consider your financial obligations and how much money your family would need to maintain their lifestyle. A good rule of thumb is to aim for a policy that’s 10-12 times your annual income.
  2. Choose Between Term and Permanent Life Insurance: Term life insurance covers you for a specific period (like 20 or 30 years) and is usually more affordable. Permanent life insurance, on the other hand, covers you for your entire life and has a cash value component.
  3. Consider Your Budget: Look for a policy that provides adequate coverage without straining your budget. Remember, the best policy is one you can afford to keep.
  4. Look at the Fine Print: Pay attention to the policy details, including exclusions, riders (additional benefits), and renewal options.
  5. Talk to a Trusted Professional: Speak with an insurance agent you can trust. They’ll help you navigate your options and find a policy that fits your needs.

Let’s Make It Easy

Trust us, we get it. Life insurance can be a bit overwhelming, especially when you’re juggling the demands of a new baby. That’s why we’re here to help. At Avalue Insurance, we understand the unique needs of new parents, and we’re committed to making the process as smooth as possible.

Ready to take the plunge? Contact Avalue Insurance today to claim your personalized life insurance consultation! Our friendly agents are here to answer all your questions and help you find the perfect policy to protect your family’s future. Don’t wait! Secure your baby’s future today! Give us a call at 303-773-3332, or request a call-back!

Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Commercial Auto Insurance


  • Here are the top mistakes that people make when buying commercial auto insurance:
    • Underestimating Coverage Needs
    • Not Including All Drivers
    • Ignoring Vehicle Types and Uses
    • Choosing the Wrong Deductible
    • Overlooking Additional Coverage Options
    • Failing to Review Policies Regularly
    • Neglecting Employee Training
    • Not Shopping Around
    • Ignoring the Fine Print
    • Skipping Professional Advice

Commercial auto insurance is crucial for any business that relies on vehicles. Whether it’s a delivery service, a construction company, or a delivery business, your company vehicles deserve the best possible coverage. But navigating the world of commercial auto insurance can be tricky, and many business owners make avoidable mistakes that can cost them dearly in the long run. Here are some common pitfalls and how to avoid them when you’re insurance-shopping.

10 Mistakes People Make When Shopping for Commercial Auto Insurance

1). Underestimating Coverage Needs

One of the biggest mistakes people make is underestimating how much coverage you actually need. Many business owners opt for the minimum coverage required by law, thinking it will save them money. But this can actually leave you vulnerable to significant out-of-pocket expenses if an accident occurs. It’s crucial to evaluate your specific risks and ensure your policy covers all potential scenarios, including liability, property damage, and medical costs.

2). Not Including All Drivers

Another common mistake is not listing all the drivers who will be using the insured vehicles. Insurance companies need to know who will be driving the vehicles to assess the risk accurately. Failing to include all drivers can result in denied claims if an unlisted driver gets into an accident. Make sure you provide a comprehensive list of all employees who might drive the company vehicles, even if they only do so occasionally.

3). Ignoring Vehicle Types and Uses

Commercial auto insurance policies can vary significantly based on the type of vehicles you have and how they are used. A policy that’s perfect for a fleet of delivery vans might not be suitable for a construction company with heavy trucks. Be upfront about how each vehicle is used and ensure your policy is tailored to these specifics.

4). Choosing the Wrong Deductible

Selecting the right deductible is a balancing act. A higher deductible can lower your premiums but may require you to pay more out of pocket in the event of a claim. And a lower deductible can increase your premium but reduces your out-of-pocket expenses. Consider your financial situation and risk tolerance carefully when choosing a deductible.

5). Overlooking Additional Coverage Options

Basic commercial auto insurance policies cover liability, collision, and comprehensive damage, but there are many additional coverage options that can provide extra protection. For instance, uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, roadside assistance, and rental reimbursement can be invaluable. Evaluate these add-ons and consider which ones make sense for your business. Skipping these options to save on premiums might leave you regretting it when an unexpected event occurs.

6). Failing to Review Policies Regularly

Business needs change over time, and so should your insurance policy. A common mistake is purchasing a commercial auto insurance policy and then neglecting to review it regularly. As your business grows or changes, your insurance needs will evolve. Schedule annual reviews of your policy with your insurance agent to ensure it still provides adequate coverage and adjust as necessary.

7). Neglecting Employee Training

Your drivers’ skills and behaviors have a direct impact on your insurance premiums and claims history. Neglecting to provide adequate training for your employees can lead to accidents and increased insurance costs. Implement a comprehensive driver training program to ensure all employees understand safe driving practices. This not only helps in reducing the likelihood of accidents but can also positively affect your insurance rates.

8). Not Shopping Around

Loyalty to a single insurance provider might seem convenient, but it can prevent you from finding the best rates and coverage options. The commercial auto insurance market is competitive, and rates can vary significantly between providers. Take the time to shop around and compare quotes from different insurers. This doesn’t mean you have to switch providers every year, but regularly comparing options can ensure you’re getting the best deal.

9). Ignoring the Fine Print

Insurance policies are filled with fine print that can be easily overlooked. But ignoring these details can lead to misunderstandings about what is and isn’t covered. Take the time to read through your policy thoroughly and ask your insurance agent to explain any confusing terms or conditions. Understanding the fine print will help you avoid surprises when you need to file a claim.

10). Skipping Professional Advice

One of the biggest mistakes is trying to navigate commercial auto insurance without professional advice. Insurance agents and brokers specialize in different policies and can provide some much-needed guidance.

Ready to start shopping for commercial auto insurance with a seasoned professional? Contact Avalue Insurance today! We’ll help you find the right policy at the right price. Give us a call today at 303-773-3332 or request a call-back right here online!

A Rocky Road to Success

The Inspirational Journey of Mercedes Covarrubias 

Every once in a while, you meet someone whose resilience and determination are so inspiring that their story must be shared. Mercedes Covarrubias is one such individual. It has been my privilege to watch her transform her challenging past into a promising future as she recently launched her own bookkeeping business. Her journey is a testament to her tenacity, drive, and unwavering spirit. 

A Tough Start 

Mercedes has always possessed an entrepreneurial spirit – one that was born out of both determination and survival. Raised in “the projects” of Denver, Colorado, Mercedes grew up in a severely poverty-stricken home. 

“My mom would send me to the store and tell me to buy the cheapest candies with food stamps so she could get change for cigarettes or beer,” says Mercedes. 

Although she was never taught or shown how to budget or live within her means, Mercedes managed to learn the value of money on her own at a very young age. She took a shine to the idea of saving and earning money, and by the age of 13, she landed her very first job at a car wash. This job marked the beginning of her bumpy journey towards financial independence, and eventually, business ownership. 

Early Struggles and Hard Lessons 

Mercedes’ childhood was far from easy. With her mother often drunk and her older brother in charge, any money she earned was frequently given to her family. Despite these challenges, she persisted, securing multiple jobs to make ends meet. By the time she was 14, Mercedes had obtained a work permit and was working as much as legally possible, taking on three jobs to ensure that she could help her family. 

The Turning Point 

At age 16, Mercedes and her siblings were taken from their mother, a turning point that led her to seek emancipation. Through this process, she learned how to budget and responsibly spend and save her money. At 18, she moved into her first place and secured a full time job at Elitch Gardens Human Resources. Having achieved a sense of independence, Mercedes was feeling excited for the future. But she would soon take on the massive responsibility of raising her 10-year-old brother, forcing her to learn very quickly how to become a provider. 

Overcoming Adversity 

The weight of responsibility was a heavy one for Mercedes, and the pressure would only continue to mount when she went from “provider” to “young mother”. She gave birth to her first son at age 19, and then she gave birth to her second son very soon after. All the while, she was still raising her kid brother. Despite these hardships, Mercedes never lost sight of her goal: to make sure her kids never grow up the way she did. 

Embracing a New Life

 After years of working numerous jobs and climbing the career ladder, Mercedes’ life suddenly came to an abrupt halt when she suffered a severe ATV accident. Being the busy-body that she is, she was reluctant to take time off of work to recover. But during her recovery, she had a revelation: she was ready to start her own business. Armed with her tried-and-true financial skills, Mercedes decided to open her own bookkeeping business. While Mercedes started her entrepreneurial journey with no prior business ownership experience, her knack for problem-solving was her greatest asset. Her path took a significant turn when she connected with Cross Purpose, where she was connected with a Change Agent (yours truly) and invaluable resources. With plenty of expert guidance and emotional support behind her, she quickly progressed through the program, gaining invaluable insights and practical tools that would later help her launch her business. Her determination paid off, and she is now the proud owner of her very own bookkeeping business, A Breeze Bookkeeping and Tax— an achievement that still fills me with tremendous pride to this day. 

A Bright Future 

Mercedes Covarrubias is a shining example of resilience and determination. Her journey from a challenging childhood to becoming a successful business owner is nothing short of inspirational. Mercedes’ story is a powerful reminder that with the right support and a whole lot of determination, you can overcome any obstacle. 

I am so honored to have been a part of her journey, and I’m excited to see where her determination takes her next. Mercedes, your journey has only just begun, and I have no doubt that you will continue to achieve great things. Here’s to your continued success and the incredible future that lies ahead!

Check out her website at: 

The Role of Home Insurance in Protecting Against Natural Disasters – Insights from Avalue Insurance in Centennial, CO

Natural disasters are unpredictable and can cause devastating damage to your home. As alarming as this might sound, there’s a silver lining – home insurance. Avalue Insurance in Centennial, CO, believes it is crucial to understand how home insurance can help defend against losses due to natural disasters.

Standard Home Insurance Coverage

Most standard home insurance policies provide coverage against a variety of natural disasters including windstorms, hail, lightning, and wildfires. This means if your home is ravaged by any of these perils, you can count on your insurance policy to cover repair and reconstruction costs.

Limitations and Exclusions

However, it’s equally important to understand the limitations. Common exclusions often include earthquakes and floods. Those residing in locations prone to these disasters should consider purchasing additional coverage.

Additional Living Expenses Coverage

If a disaster renders your home uninhabitable, your policy can help cover additional living expenses (ALE). This includes hotel bills, meal costs, and other living expenses incurred while your home is being rebuilt or repaired.

At Avalue Insurance, we understand the importance of feeling secure in your own home. Our team, located in Centennial, CO, is ready to guide you through the ins and outs of your home insurance policy and its role in protecting your home from natural disasters.

Secure your peace of mind against the unexpected. Contact us today to explore the best coverage options for you.

Liability Coverage: The Most Important Piece of Your Home Insurance Policy

Let’s chat about something important that often gets overlooked when shopping for home insurance: liability coverage. It may not the flashiest part of your policy, but it’s a pretty big deal. In fact, too many homeowners fall prey to the cheaper home insurance policies, leaving them underinsured and under-protected. Trust me: the last thing you’ll want to skimp on is liability coverage!

So, what exactly is liability coverage and why is it so important? Let’s talk about it!

What is Liability Coverage?

Think of liability coverage as one of those things that you’ll hope you never need, but you’ll be glad it’s there when you do inevitably need it. It kicks in to cover your legal fees in the event that someone tries to sue you for an unforeseen event that took place on your property.

Imagine a friend slipping on your icy driveway and breaking their tailbone. Or your puppy getting a bit too excited and accidentally biting one of your guests. Liability coverage can help cover the costs of medical bills or legal fees, saving you from a massive mountain of unanticipated out-of-pocket fees.

Why Do You Need It?

Well, accidents happen, right? And sometimes, they can lead to unexpected expenses. Liability coverage not only protects your savings and assets but also gives you peace of mind knowing you’re financially covered if the unexpected occurs.

What Does It Cover?

Liability coverage typically includes legal fees and medical expenses if someone sues you for an accident that happened on your property. It can also sometimes extend to incidents that happen away from your home, like you accidentally damaging someone else’s property.

You Might Already Have It, But…

Many standard home insurance policies include liability coverage, but sometimes, not enough. So, it’s extremely important to check the coverage details of your home insurance policy. Typical coverage amounts can vary, so it’s worth reviewing your policy to ensure you have adequate protection based on your lifestyle and assets.

How Much Coverage Do You Need?

Every homeowner’s situation is different, so it’s important to assess your risks and talk to an insurance expert to determine the right amount of liability coverage for you. They’ll help you understand what’s needed and customize a policy that fits your needs and budget.

Get Fully Covered with Avalue Insurance

Ready to make sure you’ve got the right protection in place? Contact Avalue Insurance today! Our team can walk you through the ins and outs of liability coverage and help you find a policy that gives you the peace of mind you deserve. We can even help you determine if you currently have enough liability protection in your current home insurance policy. Because your protection and peace-of-mind are our top priority.

Remember: accidents happen, but with the right coverage, you can rest easy knowing you’re prepared for whatever life throws your way. Stay safe and covered, folks!

Simplifying Restaurant Insurance: CommonQuestions and Answers

If you’re in the restaurant business, you know that running a successful establishment involves more than just serving up delicious dishes. It’s also about ensuring that your business is adequately protected with the right insurance coverage. But if you’re like most restaurant owners, then you probably have plenty of questions. So, let’s answer some of the most common questions about restaurant insurance so you can feel more confident about your insurance decisions. 

1). What exactly is restaurant insurance?

Restaurant insurance is a specialized type of coverage designed to protect your establishment from various risks and liabilities. It typically includes several types of coverage tailored specifically to the unique needs of restaurants, such as general liability, property damage, liquor liability, workers’ compensation, and more.

2). Why do I need restaurant insurance?

Running a restaurant comes with inherent risks, from slip-and-fall accidents to food-borne illnesses and property damage. Without proper insurance coverage, you could be exposing your business to significant financial losses. Restaurant insurance provides peace of mind by safeguarding your investment and helping you recover from unexpected setbacks.

3). What does restaurant insurance cover?

Restaurant insurance policies can vary depending on your specific needs and the insurance provider you choose. However, most policies typically include coverage for property damage, liability claims, equipment breakdown, food spoilage, employee injuries, and legal expenses arising from lawsuits.

4). How much does restaurant insurance cost?

The cost of restaurant insurance can vary depending on factors such as the size of your establishment, the type of coverage you need, your location, and your claims history. Generally, premiums are calculated based on your level of risk exposure and the likelihood of potential claims.

5). How can I get restaurant insurance?

To ensure that you have the right coverage for your restaurant, it’s important to work with an experienced insurance agent who understands the unique challenges of the foodservice industry. That’s where we come in. At Avalue Insurance, we specialize in restaurant insurance and can help you get the right coverage for your restaurant.

Ready to protect your restaurant? Don’t wait until disaster strikes to think about insurance. Protect your restaurant and your hard-earned investment with comprehensive restaurant insurance from Avalue Insurance. Contact us today to learn more and to request a free consultation!

The Importance of Commercial Property Insurance for Small Businesses

Running a small business is no small feat. From managing daily operations to keeping customers happy, there’s always something on your plate. With so much to handle, it’s easy to overlook one critical aspect: protecting your physical assets. That’s where commercial property insurance comes in. Let’s talk about why commercial property insurance is so crucial for small businesses and how it can be a lifesaver in times of need.

First, What is Commercial Property Insurance?

First things first, what exactly is commercial property insurance? In simple terms, it’s a type of insurance that protects your business’s physical assets from unexpected events like fire, theft, vandalism, and natural disasters. This includes buildings, equipment, inventory, furniture, and even exterior fixtures like signs and fencing. It can even cover loss of income!

Why is it Important for Small Businesses?

Here are a few reasons why commercial property insurance is a must-have for small businesses:

1). Protection Against Financial Loss

Imagine a fire breaks out in your office or store, destroying everything inside. Without commercial property insurance, you’d have to cover the cost of repairs and replacements out of pocket, which could be financially devastating. With insurance, you’re protected from such losses, allowing you to get back on your feet without draining your savings.

2). Peace of Mind

Knowing that your business is protected from unforeseen events gives you peace of mind. You can focus on growing your business without constantly worrying about what might happen if disaster strikes. This peace of mind is invaluable and can help you make better business decisions.

3). Compliance and Contracts

Most landlords and lenders require businesses to have commercial property insurance as part of lease agreements or loan conditions. Having the right insurance ensures you meet these requirements and can help you avoid legal issues or breaches of contract.

4). Protecting Your Investments

You’ve likely invested a significant amount of money into your business assets. Commercial property insurance helps protect this investment. Whether it’s expensive equipment, valuable inventory, or a beautifully designed office space, insurance ensures that your investments are protected against unexpected events.

5). Business Continuity

In the event of a major disaster, the downtime and disruption can be crippling. Commercial property insurance often covers business interruption, helping you cover lost income and operating expenses while you get back on track. This can be the difference between a temporary setback and permanent closure.

Real-Life Scenarios

To put things into perspective, here are a couple of real-life scenarios where commercial property insurance can be a lifesaver:

Scenario 1: A boutique owner finds her shop vandalized with broken windows and damaged inventory. Thanks to her commercial property insurance, the repair costs and lost inventory are covered, and she can reopen her shop quickly.

Scenario 2: A tech startup’s office is hit by a severe storm, causing water damage to their equipment and workspace. Their insurance policy covers the cost of repairs and replacement of damaged equipment, allowing them to continue their operations without significant financial strain.

Ask Your Local Insurance Experts About Commercial Property Insurance Today

Don’t wait until it’s too late to protect your business. Contact Avalue Insurance today to learn more about commercial property insurance and how it can protect your small business from the unexpected! Our experts are here to help you find the perfect amount of coverage for your budding business. Reach out today and give your business the protection it deserves!

Contractors Insurance: What it is and Why You Need It


  • Contractors insurance offers all the coverage that a contractor could ask for without all the extra coverage that they don’t need!
  • Contractors face high risks, making general liability insurance essential.
  • General liability insurance protects business assets, ensures business survival in legal battles, and provides security for employees.
  • Contractors can opt for tailored general liability insurance instead of a bundled Business Owner’s Policy (BOP) to save costs.
  • The cost of insurance depends on policy size, business location, and the company’s track record with accidents and claims.

Protect Your Business with Contractors Insurance

Let’s talk about something that might not be on your radar but should be, contractors insurance.

If you’re a contractor, then you’re already aware of the risks that come with the job. But what happens when those risks become realities? One accident can lead to hefty settlements or damages that your business might not be able to afford. So, having adequate general liability insurance is not just a good idea — it’s essential.

That’s where contractors insurance comes in. It offers all of the general liability coverage that you’ll need without all of the extra coverage that you don’t need. Think of it as insurance designed with your niche in mind!

Why Contractors Need General Liability Insurance

For contractors, the stakes are high. You’re not just working with materials and tools; you’re dealing with potential liabilities that could hit your business hard. Here’s why general liability insurance is a must:

Asset Protection: Imagine you’re facing a lawsuit for bodily injury or property damage. Without sufficient general liability coverage, your business assets could be on the line. This insurance helps safeguard what you’ve worked so hard to build.

Business Survival: Legal battles are expensive. General liability insurance can cover court costs and settlements up to the policy limits, giving your business a fighting chance to survive if a judgment goes against you.

Security for Your Team: It’s not just about you; it’s about your employees, too. This coverage protects against claims brought against the company and individual employees, ensuring that everyone has some peace of mind.

Tailoring Insurance to Fit Your Needs

For many businesses, general liability insurance comes bundled with other coverage in a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP). But as a contractor, you might not need all the extras that come with a typical BOP. Instead, you can opt for contractors insurance, which is a more cost-effective way of getting the general liability coverage that you need.

What Affects the Cost of Contractors Insurance?

So, now you know why contractors insurance is important. But we know what you’re going to ask next: what’s the cost? Great question. A few different factors play a role in determining the cost of your insurance (but don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as it might sound). These factors can include:

  • Sales and Operations
  • Location
  • Track Record

Get a Quote on Contractors Insurance Today

Interested in contractors insurance? Let us help! At Avalue Insurance, we understand the unique challenges you face as a contractor, and we’re here to help you find the best coverage at the best price.

At Avalue Insurance, we pride ourselves on our local knowledge and personalized service. Our agents are here to guide you through the process, ensuring you have the coverage you need without paying for extras you don’t. Whether you’re a solo contractor or run a large operation, we’ve got you covered.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to protect your business. Contact Avalue Insurance today to get a quote on contractors insurance. Give us a call today at 303-773-3332, email us at, or visit our office in Centennial, Colorado!

Partner Carriers

  • Allstate
  • Assurant Flood
  • Auto Owners
  • Bristol West
  • Builders Risk/US Assure
  • Chubb
  • Markel
  • CNA
  • Foremost
  • Hull & Company
  • Liberty Mutual
  • Nationwide
  • Philadelphia
  • Pinnacol
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • The Hartford
  • Travelers