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The Role of Home Insurance in Protecting Against Natural Disasters – Insights from Avalue Insurance in Centennial, CO

Natural disasters are unpredictable and can cause devastating damage to your home. As alarming as this might sound, there’s a silver lining – home insurance. Avalue Insurance in Centennial, CO, believes it is crucial to understand how home insurance can help defend against losses due to natural disasters.

Standard Home Insurance Coverage

Most standard home insurance policies provide coverage against a variety of natural disasters including windstorms, hail, lightning, and wildfires. This means if your home is ravaged by any of these perils, you can count on your insurance policy to cover repair and reconstruction costs.

Limitations and Exclusions

However, it’s equally important to understand the limitations. Common exclusions often include earthquakes and floods. Those residing in locations prone to these disasters should consider purchasing additional coverage.

Additional Living Expenses Coverage

If a disaster renders your home uninhabitable, your policy can help cover additional living expenses (ALE). This includes hotel bills, meal costs, and other living expenses incurred while your home is being rebuilt or repaired.

At Avalue Insurance, we understand the importance of feeling secure in your own home. Our team, located in Centennial, CO, is ready to guide you through the ins and outs of your home insurance policy and its role in protecting your home from natural disasters.

Secure your peace of mind against the unexpected. Contact us today to explore the best coverage options for you.

Liability Coverage: The Most Important Piece of Your Home Insurance Policy

Let’s chat about something important that often gets overlooked when shopping for home insurance: liability coverage. It may not the flashiest part of your policy, but it’s a pretty big deal. In fact, too many homeowners fall prey to the cheaper home insurance policies, leaving them underinsured and under-protected. Trust me: the last thing you’ll want to skimp on is liability coverage!

So, what exactly is liability coverage and why is it so important? Let’s talk about it!

What is Liability Coverage?

Think of liability coverage as one of those things that you’ll hope you never need, but you’ll be glad it’s there when you do inevitably need it. It kicks in to cover your legal fees in the event that someone tries to sue you for an unforeseen event that took place on your property.

Imagine a friend slipping on your icy driveway and breaking their tailbone. Or your puppy getting a bit too excited and accidentally biting one of your guests. Liability coverage can help cover the costs of medical bills or legal fees, saving you from a massive mountain of unanticipated out-of-pocket fees.

Why Do You Need It?

Well, accidents happen, right? And sometimes, they can lead to unexpected expenses. Liability coverage not only protects your savings and assets but also gives you peace of mind knowing you’re financially covered if the unexpected occurs.

What Does It Cover?

Liability coverage typically includes legal fees and medical expenses if someone sues you for an accident that happened on your property. It can also sometimes extend to incidents that happen away from your home, like you accidentally damaging someone else’s property.

You Might Already Have It, But…

Many standard home insurance policies include liability coverage, but sometimes, not enough. So, it’s extremely important to check the coverage details of your home insurance policy. Typical coverage amounts can vary, so it’s worth reviewing your policy to ensure you have adequate protection based on your lifestyle and assets.

How Much Coverage Do You Need?

Every homeowner’s situation is different, so it’s important to assess your risks and talk to an insurance expert to determine the right amount of liability coverage for you. They’ll help you understand what’s needed and customize a policy that fits your needs and budget.

Get Fully Covered with Avalue Insurance

Ready to make sure you’ve got the right protection in place? Contact Avalue Insurance today! Our team can walk you through the ins and outs of liability coverage and help you find a policy that gives you the peace of mind you deserve. We can even help you determine if you currently have enough liability protection in your current home insurance policy. Because your protection and peace-of-mind are our top priority.

Remember: accidents happen, but with the right coverage, you can rest easy knowing you’re prepared for whatever life throws your way. Stay safe and covered, folks!

Home or Away Home Insurance is Always There

Home Insurance: Peace of Mind and Protection with Avalue Insurance

At its core, home insurance offers two distinct benefits: assistance during circumstances that require it and peace of mind knowing support is available when needed. Avalue Insurance is committed to providing homeowners across the Centennial, CO area with reliable home insurance solutions they can trust.

Going Beyond Home Protection

Home insurance extends its utility beyond expensive repairs for property and storm damage or addressing liability issues. While these aspects are significant, home insurance covers more. Along with providing a trusted partner during critical times, it also protects your investment.

A central question is, how much did you pay for your home? What was the cost of constructing that pool, deck, or renovation project? For most of us, our homes represent our largest investment. Therefore, it’s of paramount importance to safeguard this investment with well-thought-out home insurance solutions.

Home Insurance and Community Concerns

Increasing crime rates in your community or even just hearing about break-ins can contribute to anxiety. Concerns like these often hinder your peace of mind, particularly when planning extended vacations. Fortunately, home insurance plays an integral role in alleviating these worries, offering another layer of protection atop your home insurance needs and concerns.

Trust in Avalue Insurance’s Home Protection Services

No matter how safe we are or how many precautions we take, there are some unexpected situations we cannot foresee. Thankfully, whether you’re home or away, Avalue Insurance offers insurance solutions at your service. Homeowners in the Centennial, CO area can contact us to find out more about Avalue Insurance’s home insurance plans. Secure your home today with Avalue Insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions About Homeowners’ Insurance

Your Ultimate Guide to Homeowners’ Insurance: Your Top Questions Answered

Homeowners’ insurance may not be the most thrilling topic, but it’s definitely an important one. Be it a single home or a family home, your home deserves the best possible coverage. That’s why we’re here to answer some of the most common homeowners’ insurance questions. So, let’s talk homeowners’ insurance and how you can be sure you’re getting the best policy for your home.

What Does Homeowners’ Insurance Typically Cover?

Homeowners’ insurance covers damage or loss to your house and personal belongings caused by events like fire, theft, vandalism, and even certain natural disasters. But here’s the kicker – not all policies are created equal. Make sure you know the specifics of what your policy covers (and what it doesn’t) before signing on the dotted line.

How Much Coverage Do I Really Need?

Ah, the million-dollar question. The answer? It depends. Factors like the value of your home, your personal belongings, and even where you live can all influence how much coverage you need. Don’t just wing it – take the time to assess your needs and consult with an insurance agent to determine the right amount of coverage for you.

What’s the Deal with Deductibles?

Deductibles can be a bit confusing, but they’re essentially the amount you’ll have to pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in to cover the rest. Generally, the higher your deductible, the lower your premiums – but keep in mind that you’ll need to have that cash on hand in case disaster strikes.

Are There Any Discounts Available?

Who doesn’t love a good discount, am I right? Many insurance companies offer discounts for things like having a security system, bundling your home and auto insurance, or even just having a good credit score. Don’t be shy – ask your insurer about any potential discounts you might qualify for and watch your premium drop.

What About Liability Coverage?

Let’s talk liability (a.k.a, the stuff nightmares are made of). Liability coverage can protect you financially if someone is injured on your property or if you accidentally damage someone else’s property. Trust us, you don’t want to skip out on this one; it could save you a world of financial hurt down the line.

Still Have Questions About Homeowners’ Insurance? Let Us Help!

The key to getting the best deal on your policy is to ask questions, compare quotes, and never settle for less than you deserve. That’s why we’re here to help you navigate your homeowners’ insurance options. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by options or still have several unanswered questions, then talk to our insurance experts here at Avalue Insurance! Give us a call today, or request a call-back! 

Do You Need Home Insurance for a Rental Property?

(And Other Frequently Asked Questions)


  • Do you need home insurance for a rental property?
    • Yes, you need insurance coverage for rental properties, but you won’t find “home insurance” for a rental property. You’ll need “landlord insurance” or “rental property insurance”.
  • What does landlord home insurance actually cover?
    • Landlord Home insurance typically offers dwelling coverage, personal property coverage, liability, personal offense liability for wrongful eviction or privacy invasion coverage, and loss of rents (if renter has to move out for a covered loss)
  • How much coverage do I need?
    • This depends on factors like your home’s value, location, and personal assets.
  • Does it cover natural disasters?
    • Most policies cover things like fire, theft, and storms. But specific natural disasters like earthquakes and floods may require separate policies.
  • What’s the difference between “replacement cost” and “actual cash value”?
    • Replacement cost pays for the full cost of replacing damaged items with new ones, while actual cash value factors in depreciation.
  • How can I lower my premiums?
    • Install security systems.
    • Bundle your home and auto insurance.
    • Be mindful of the age and condition of your roof
    • Raise your deductible.
    • Maintain good credit.
    • Do not file “maintenance” claims
    • Review and update your policy.
  • Can you bundle home insurance with other policies?
    • Yes, you can bundle home and auto insurance.
    • You may also be able to bundle it with other policies as well, like motorcycle insurance.

“Do you need home insurance for a rental property?” I get asked this question a lot. Let’s talk about it, as well as a few other frequently asked questions!

When life throws you those unexpected curveballs, home insurance can be a real wallet-saver. But like most insurance policies, they can seem pretty complicated at first glance. If you’re like most insurance-shoppers, then you probably have more than a few questions about your homeowners’ policy. So, let’s talk about some of the most common policy questions!

Do You Need Home Insurance for a Rental Property?

Yes, you should absolutely get insurance coverage for your rental properties. But it’s not the same as standard homeowners’ insurance. In fact, you won’t find “home insurance” for a rental property. Instead, you’ll need to get “landlord insurance” or “rental property insurance”. This coverage typically includes property damage, liability protection, and even rental income loss coverage.

What Does Home Insurance Actually Cover?

Home insurance typically covers five main areas:

  • Dwelling Coverage: Repairs or rebuilding your home in case of damage.
  • Personal Property Coverage: Replacement of belongings like furniture and electronics.
  • Liability Coverage: Protection if someone gets hurt on your property.
  • Personal offense liability: Offers wrongful eviction or privacy invasion coverage
  • Loss of Rents Coverage: Covers you if renter has to move out for a covered loss and no longer pays rent

How Much Coverage Do I Need?

The ideal coverage amount varies depending on factors like your home’s value, location, and your personal assets. It’s generally a good idea to conduct a thorough assessment with your insurer to determine the right coverage amount for you.

What About Natural Disasters?

Standard home insurance usually covers damages caused by common perils like fire and storms. However, coverage for specific natural disasters like earthquakes or floods may require separate policies. Be sure to discuss your coverage needs with your insurer so you can be sure that you have enough coverage!

What’s the Difference Between Replacement Cost and Actual Cash Value?

Replacement cost coverage pays for the full cost of replacing damaged items with new ones, while actual cash value factors in depreciation. Replacement cost coverage is generally more comprehensive but may come with a higher premium.

How Can I Lower My Premiums?

There are several ways to reduce your home insurance premiums:

  • Install security systems
  • Bundle your home and auto insurance
  • Raise your deductible
  • Maintain good credit
  • Do not file “maintenance” claims
  • Be mindful of the age and condition of your roof
  • Regularly review and update your policy

Can I Bundle My Home Insurance with Other Policies?

Absolutely, you can bundle home insurance with other policies! As previously mentioned, you can bundle your home and auto insurance to lower your monthly premium. While bundling typically involves combining your home and auto insurance, it can also extend to other types, like motorcycle insurance.

Want home insurance help? Or maybe you’re interested in bundling? I can help with both! Get in touch with me today, and I’ll help you get the most out of your home insurance coverage!

Partner Carriers

  • Allstate
  • Assurant Flood
  • Auto Owners
  • Bristol West
  • Builders Risk/US Assure
  • Chubb
  • Markel
  • CNA
  • Foremost
  • Hull & Company
  • Liberty Mutual
  • Nationwide
  • Philadelphia
  • Pinnacol
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • The Hartford
  • Travelers