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Individual Life Insurance vs. Permanent Life Insurance

Which Coverage is Right for Me?

So, you’re thinking about getting life insurance. Smart move! But before you sign up for a policy, it’s important to understand the main differences between two very popular types of life insurance: individual term and permanent life insurance. While they’re both life insurance, they’re not one and the same. Knowing the difference can save you a headache (and maybe even some cash) down the line.

Individual Term Life Insurance

First up, we’ve got individual term life insurance. This type of policy is pretty straightforward – your policy covers you for a set period (usually anywhere between five and 30 years). If you pass away within that set period of time, then your beneficiaries get a payout. Individual life insurance policies are typically offer lower premiums, making them a particularly popular choice.

Permanent Life Insurance

With permanent life insurance, you’re in it for the long haul – your coverage lasts your whole life or up to a certain age like 101 (hence the name). It also comes with a cash value component, meaning a portion of your premiums goes into a savings account that grows over time.

Weighing the Differences

So, what sets individual and permanent life insurance apart? Well, besides the whole “temporary vs. lifelong” thing, there’s also the matter of cost. Individual life insurance tends to be cheaper upfront since you’re only paying for coverage for a set period of time. On the flip side, permanent life insurance can be pricier since it covers you for your entire life and includes that cash value component.

Now, here’s the million-dollar question: which one is right for you? Well, it depends on your needs and financial goals. If you’re young and healthy and just looking to cover your bases for a few decades, individual life insurance might be the way to go. But if you’re thinking long term and want the added security of lifelong coverage and a cash value component, permanent life insurance could be perfect for you

Don’t Go It Alone – Get Expert Advice!

Feeling a bit overwhelmed by the choices? Hey, no shame in that – life insurance can be confusing stuff! That’s where we come in. At Avalue Insurance, we’re a team of local insurance professionals in northern Colorado. We’re here to help you navigate the ins and outs of life insurance and find the perfect policy for you. Get in touch with us a call today and let’s get you the right coverage for you and your family!

Frequently Asked Questions About Homeowners’ Insurance

Your Ultimate Guide to Homeowners’ Insurance: Your Top Questions Answered

Homeowners’ insurance may not be the most thrilling topic, but it’s definitely an important one. Be it a single home or a family home, your home deserves the best possible coverage. That’s why we’re here to answer some of the most common homeowners’ insurance questions. So, let’s talk homeowners’ insurance and how you can be sure you’re getting the best policy for your home.

What Does Homeowners’ Insurance Typically Cover?

Homeowners’ insurance covers damage or loss to your house and personal belongings caused by events like fire, theft, vandalism, and even certain natural disasters. But here’s the kicker – not all policies are created equal. Make sure you know the specifics of what your policy covers (and what it doesn’t) before signing on the dotted line.

How Much Coverage Do I Really Need?

Ah, the million-dollar question. The answer? It depends. Factors like the value of your home, your personal belongings, and even where you live can all influence how much coverage you need. Don’t just wing it – take the time to assess your needs and consult with an insurance agent to determine the right amount of coverage for you.

What’s the Deal with Deductibles?

Deductibles can be a bit confusing, but they’re essentially the amount you’ll have to pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in to cover the rest. Generally, the higher your deductible, the lower your premiums – but keep in mind that you’ll need to have that cash on hand in case disaster strikes.

Are There Any Discounts Available?

Who doesn’t love a good discount, am I right? Many insurance companies offer discounts for things like having a security system, bundling your home and auto insurance, or even just having a good credit score. Don’t be shy – ask your insurer about any potential discounts you might qualify for and watch your premium drop.

What About Liability Coverage?

Let’s talk liability (a.k.a, the stuff nightmares are made of). Liability coverage can protect you financially if someone is injured on your property or if you accidentally damage someone else’s property. Trust us, you don’t want to skip out on this one; it could save you a world of financial hurt down the line.

Still Have Questions About Homeowners’ Insurance? Let Us Help!

The key to getting the best deal on your policy is to ask questions, compare quotes, and never settle for less than you deserve. That’s why we’re here to help you navigate your homeowners’ insurance options. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by options or still have several unanswered questions, then talk to our insurance experts here at Avalue Insurance! Give us a call today, or request a call-back! 

Common Car Insurance Questions (and Answers)

Clearing Up the Confusion: Your Top Questions Answered

Car insurance can sometimes feel like a maze of confusing terms and complicated jargon. And if we’re being honest, that’s basically what it is — unless you’re an insurance agent, of course. That’s why we’re here to clear a few things up. Let’s talk about some of the most commonly asked car insurance questions (and easy-to-understand answers).

1). What does car insurance actually cover?

Car insurance can cover a multitude of things, but most policies typically covers three main things:

  • Liability: This covers damage you cause to other people’s property. It also covers other people’s injuries in an accident where you were at fault.
  • Collision: This covers damage to your own car in a collision, regardless of who’s at fault.
  • Comprehensive: This covers damage to your car from incidents like theft, vandalism, or natural disasters.

2). What factors affect my car insurance premium?

Several factors can influence your car insurance premium, including:

  • Your driving record: Accidents and traffic violations can increase your premium.
  • Your age and gender: Younger drivers and males typically pay higher premiums.
  • Your location: Living in an area with high crime rates or heavy traffic can increase your premium.
  • Your vehicle: The make, model, and age of your car can affect your premium. The newer your vehicle, the more expensive it is to cover it (which means higher premiums). On the flip side, older and/or safer vehiclesmay berewarded with lower premiums

3). Can I get discounts on car insurance?

Yes! Many insurance companies offer discounts for various reasons, such as:

  • Bundling your car insurance with other policies.
  • Having a clean driving record.
  • Enrolling in a safe driving program with your auto carrier to track your driving habits and save on your premium.
  • Completing a defensive driving course.
  • Installing safety features in your car.

4). Do I need car insurance if I don’t drive often?

Yes. Even if you don’t drive often, you still need to have car insurance. Most states require you to have at least liability coverage to legally drive. But aside from being a legal requirement, car insurance is also just a great financial decision. It’s a must for anyone who can’t afford to pay out-of-pocket for losses and damages (and spoiler alert: that’s most people).

5). What happens if I’m in an accident and don’t have insurance?

If you’re in an accident and don’t have insurance, you could face severe consequences, including:

  • Financial responsibility for damages and injuries.
  • Legal penalties, such as fines, license suspension, or even jail time.
  • Difficulty obtaining insurance in the future and higher premiums.

6). How can I lower my car insurance premium?

There are several ways to lower your car insurance premium, including:

  • Shopping around for the best rates.
  • Increasing your deductible.
  • Taking advantage of discounts.
  • Maintaining a clean driving record.

7). How do I find a good policy?

That’s where we can help. Avalue Insurance is a team of insurance pros who love helping people find policies that they can feel good about. Our friendly team is here to help you find the perfect coverage for your wants, needs, and budget. Let us take the confusion out of car insurance. Contact us today to speak with one of our car insurance specialists in Colorado! 

10 Things We All Hate About Insurance Shopping

Let’s face it: shopping for insurance isn’t exactly everyone’s idea of a good time. Whether it’s deciphering complicated jargon or sifting through countless policy options, there’s plenty to dislike about the process.

Being in the insurance industry ourselves, we’ve noticed several things about the insurance shopping process that we don’t like. And if you’re like most people, then you probably aren’t a fan of these things, either. Let’s talk about the top 10 things that we all hate about insurance shopping, as well as how you can navigate the insurance market more efficiently.

1). The Insurance Lingo Limbo

Have you ever felt like you need a dictionary just to understand your insurance policy? You’re not alone. The first thing that often irks people about insurance is the complex terminology. From “premiums” to “deductibles” and “exclusions,” it’s like learning a new language.

2). The Price Rollercoaster

Why does one policy cost a small fortune while another seems like a steal? Insurance premiums can feel like a mysterious black box where prices vary wildly. It’s frustrating not knowing why, and it makes comparing policies a headache.

3). Overwhelmed by Options

We love options, but sometimes, too many can be overwhelming. With numerous providers, policy types, and coverage options out there, choosing the right one can feel like finding a needle in a haystack.

4). Time-Eating Monster

Comparing insurance quotes and policies can be time-consuming. Who has hours to spare on a single decision, right? Time is precious, and we’d rather spend it on things we enjoy.

5). The Dreaded Premiums

We all know insurance isn’t free, but sometimes the cost can feel sky-high. High premiums can pinch your wallet, leaving you wondering if “affordable” policies actually exist.

6). Hidden Surprises

Ever thought you were getting a great deal only to discover hidden fees and extra costs later on? It’s like a nasty surprise party you didn’t want to attend.

7). Claiming Can Be a Pain

Filing an insurance claim can be a hair-pulling experience, especially if there are disputes. No one wants to jump through hoops when they’re already stressed.

8). Sales Push

Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt pressured by an insurance agent. Some can be a tad too pushy, making you wonder if they’re more interested in their commission than your needs.

9). Confusing Policies

Ever wished insurance policies were as clear as crystal? Lack of transparency can leave you scratching your head about what’s covered and what’s not.

10). Too Many Exclusions

It’s heartbreaking to discover that an event you thought was covered actually falls under the dreaded “exclusions” category. The feeling of disappointment is all too real, and it can catch you off guard if you don’t have a full understanding of your policy.

A Solution to the Madness

Insurance shopping can be a major headache, and it’s one that we are looking to help alleviate. At Avalue Insurance, we see the people before we see the policies. We aren’t looking to sell you a one-size-fits-all insurance package; we’re interested in helping you find a policy that meets all of your needs, not just the “essential” ones.   

Say goodbye to the frustrations, the jargon, and the hidden surprises. Our experienced team is here to guide you through the process, offering transparent policies tailored to your needs. Contact us today, and let’s make your insurance shopping experience a positive one!

What is Collectors Car Insurance?

Cruisin’ in Style: Your Guide to Collectors Car Insurance


  • Here’s everything you need to know about collectors car insurance:
    • Collectors car insurance is essential for protecting your classic or vintage cars, as it caters to their unique needs.
    • Agreed value coverage ensures that you’ll receive the pre-determined value of your classic car in case of total loss, rather than its depreciated market value.
    • It often comes with lower premiums compared to regular auto insurance because classic cars are typically driven less and well-maintained.
    • It provides coverage for restoration projects, safeguarding your investment during the restoration process.
    • Specialized repairs from knowledgeable mechanics are available through these policies to maintain the authenticity of your vintage vehicle.
    • Coverage for car shows and events is often included, ensuring your peace of mind while showcasing your classic car.

If you’re the proud owner of a classic or collector car, you know that these beauties are more than just vehicles; they’re a piece of history and a labor of love. Protecting your prized possession is essential, and that’s where collectors car insurance comes into play. Here’s everything you’ll need to know about these specialized policies.

Why It Matters

Your classic car isn’t just any car; it’s a work of art, a nostalgic gem, or maybe even a family heirloom. That’s why standard auto insurance just won’t cut it. Collectors car insurance is specially designed to cater to the unique needs of vintage and collectible vehicles.

Agreed Value Coverage

One of the standout features of collectors car insurance is “agreed value” coverage. With this type of policy, you and your insurer agree on the car’s value upfront. So, if the unthinkable happens, and your beloved classic car is totaled, you’ll receive the agreed-upon value rather than the depreciated market value.

Low Premiums

Here’s some good news for your wallet: collectors policies often comes with lower premiums than regular auto insurance. Why? Because classic cars are generally driven less frequently and are meticulously cared for, reducing the risk of accidents. Lower premiums mean more cash in your pocket to spend on upgrading or maintaining your vintage ride.

Coverage for Restoration Projects

Whether you’re in the middle of a restoration project or planning one, collectors policies can cover the full value of your vehicle, even in its incomplete state. So, if disaster strikes during the restoration process, you won’t be left high and dry.

Specialized Repairs

Classic cars require specialized knowledge and craftsmanship when it comes to repairs. Collectors policies typically provide access to a network of skilled mechanics who understand the intricacies of vintage vehicles, ensuring your car gets the care it deserves.

Coverage for Car Shows and Events

Love showing off your classic car at local car shows or parading it in classic car events? Collectors car insurance often includes coverage for these events, giving you peace of mind while you share your passion with fellow car enthusiasts.

Protect Your Investment with Avalue Insurance

At Avalue Insurance, we’re not just your average insurance agency; we’re passionate about collector cars and understand the unique needs of collectors like you. We tailor collector car insurance policies to suit your specific vehicle, usage, and budget. Whether you own a vintage muscle car, a sleek sports car, or a rare classic, we’ve got you covered. Our experts will work with you to determine the agreed-upon value of your collector car and ensure that it’s protected against any unexpected mishaps.

Don’t wait until disaster strikes to realize the importance of collectors policies. Reach out to Avalue Insurance today, and let us provide you with the peace of mind you deserve! You can request a consultation right here online, or give us a call at (303) 773-3332 to speak directly with an agent! 

Insuring Motorhomes and Other Recreational Vehicles

Thinking About Insuring Motorhomes? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Know


  • When it comes to insuring motorhomes, there are a few types of coverage that you’ll need to consider:
    • Coverage for medical payments and bodily injury
    • Collision coverage
    • Coverage for towing and labor costs
    • Rental car coverage
    • Property damage liability coverage
    • Emergency expense coverage
    • Vacation liability
    • Replacement cost personal effects coverage

So, you’re dreaming of cruising the scenic highways of Colorado in your favorite motorhome. But before you hit the open road, there’s one thing you’ll need to take care of: insurance. While it may not be the world’s most exciting topic, it’s extremely important for avid RVers. That’s why we’re here to tell you everything you’ll need to know about insuring motorhomes and other recreational vehicles.

Why Motorhome Insurance Matters

Colorado is a land of rugged beauty, with its towering peaks, winding roads, and unpredictable weather. It’s the perfect playground for motorhome enthusiasts, but it’s also a place where accidents can happen. That’s why insuring motorhomes is so important out here in the Centennial state. Whether it’s a sudden hailstorm, a collision on a tricky mountain pass, or even theft, you’ll want to make sure you’re covered.

Basic Coverage for Insuring Motorhomes

If you’re new to insuring motorhomes, then you’re probably wondering what types of coverage you’ll need. Here are some basic types of insurance you’ll want to consider for your motorhome:

1). Coverage for Medical Payments and Bodily Injury

Safety first! You’ll want to make sure that your motorhome policy includes coverage for medical payments and bodily injury. Coverage for medical payments takes care of your medical bills, up to your limits, if you or your passengers are injured in an accident. Bodily injury liability coverage, on the other hand, helps you pay for injuries caused to others in an accident where you’re at fault.

2). Collision Damage and Comprehensive Damage

Collisions and accidents can be a real buzzkill. That’s where collision damage and comprehensive damage coverage come to the rescue. Collision coverage kicks in when your motorhome collides with another vehicle or object. Comprehensive coverage, meanwhile, covers non-collision-related damages like theft, vandalism, or natural disasters like hail. Together, they ensure your home-on-wheels stays intact.

3). Towing and Labor Costs

Towing and labor cost coverage is a must. Whether your motorhome breaks down suddenly or you just need a quick tow, this coverage ensures that help is on the way without emptying your wallet.

4). Rental Car Costs

Accidents can sometimes take your motorhome off the road for repairs. That’s when rental car coverage steps in. It helps cover the cost of renting a temporary set of wheels so you can continue your adventure while your motorhome gets back in shape.

5). Property Damage

Accidents happen. But what if your motorhome accidentally damages someone else’s property? That’s where property damage liability coverage comes in handy. It helps you pay for the repair or replacement of the other person’s property, like their car or a fence, if you’re at fault.

6). Emergency Expense Coverage

Emergency expense coverage comes to the rescue. It helps cover the costs of necessary accommodations, meals, and even transportation while your motorhome is out of commission. It does wonders for you when you hit life’s unexpected road bumps!

7). Vacation Liability

You’re on vacation to relax, but accidents can happen, and liability claims can put a damper on your trip. Vacation liability coverage steps in to protect you in case someone gets hurt on or around your motorhome while you’re parked at a campsite. It can also cover you if there’s damage to someone else’s property caused by your motorhome during your vacation.

8). Replacement Cost Personal Effects Coverage

This is one of the best ways of insuring motorhomes. Your motorhome is like your home away from home, and you’ve probably loaded it up with personal belonging, from gadgets to camping gear and everything in between. If these items are damaged, lost, or stolen during your trip, replacement cost personal effects coverage helps you replace them with new items of similar quality. So, if your camera gets soaked during a sudden rainstorm or your camping gear mysteriously disappears, this coverage ensures you won’t be left high and dry.

Get Rolling with Avalue Insurance

When it comes to insuring motorhomes, our insurance experts are the best in Colorado. At Avalue Insurance, we specialize in helping RVers find the perfect policies for their motorhomes. We’ll make sure your rig is covered from bumper to bumper. So, if you’re a weekend warrior, a full-time RVer, or anything in between, we’ve got you covered.

Ready to get started? It’s quick and easy! Contact Avalue Insurance today, and let our experts help you protect your favorite recreational vehicle. Request a consultation right here online today, or give us a call at (303) 773-3332 to speak with an insurance professional right away!

What are the Workers’ Compensation Laws in Colorado?

Colorado Workers’ Compensation Laws: What Business Owners Need to Know


  • Here are the workers’ compensation laws of Colorado that every business owner should be aware of:
    • Workers’ compensation insurance is required by law in Colorado when you hire your first employee.
    • Independent contractors might still be considered employees for workers’ comp purposes, so be cautious about misclassifying them.
    • Sole proprietors and partners aren’t required to have workers’ comp on themselves but can choose to opt in.
    • LLCs need to cover their employees but not necessarily themselves. Corporate officers can opt out but should consider coverage.
    • Agricultural and casual labor businesses must provide workers’ comp if they have more than 5 regular employees or 100 or more days of agricultural labor in a year.

Running a business is no walk in the park. You’ve got enough on your plate with endless paperwork, demanding customers, and the ever-changing landscape of business regulations. But let’s talk about something crucial that you absolutely can’t afford to overlook: workers’ compensation insurance.

But do you have to have workers’ compensation insurance? What are the workers’ compensation laws in the state of Colorado? Let’s talk about it!

Workers’ Compensation Laws: When is it Required by Law in Colorado?

When is workers’ comp required by law in Colorado? The answer: pretty much all the time, unless you’re a one-person show or an LLC with no employees. For the rest of us, it’s a must-have.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when considering workers’ comp insurance:

1. If you have one or more employees, then you probably need workers’ comp.

According to Colorado’s workers’ compensation laws, you’ll need workers’ comp coverage even if you only have one employee! Whether they’re full-time, part-time, seasonal, or minors — if they’re working for you, you’ll need to protect them with workers’ comp insurance. This is the only type of coverage that will offer them financial protection in the event that they are injured on the job. So, not only is this a wise decision on your part, it’s also a great way to make your employees feel a lot safer on the job.    

2). Don’t get sucked into the “independent contractors vs. employees” trap.

Now, here’s where it gets a bit tricky. Colorado, like many other states, is clamping down on businesses that try to label workers as independent contractors to dodge workers’ comp responsibilities. The state is pretty serious about this, so be careful not to misclassify your employees. If someone’s primarily doing work for your business and isn’t an independent business themselves, they’re probably your employee.

3). Rules for sole proprietors and partners.

If you’re a sole proprietor or a partner in a business, you’re not required to carry workers’ comp on yourself unless you opt-in. However, it might still be a smart move to protect yourself.

4). Rules for LLCs and corporate officers.

If you’re an LLC, you must cover your employees but not yourself. For corporate officers, the story’s a bit different. If you’re an officer and you own at least 10% of the corporation, you can choose to exclude yourself from workers’ comp coverage. But honestly, why would you? Accidents can happen to anyone, so it might be wise to cover yourself too.

5). Rules for farm labor and casual workers.

If you’re in the agricultural or casual labor business, things are a bit different. You’re required to provide workers’ comp if you have more than 5 regular employees or 100 or more days of agricultural labor in a year.

Chat with a Workers’ Comp Professional Today

Navigating workers’ compensation laws can be tricky, especially if you’ve never done it before. The good news: you don’t have to do it alone.

Avalue Insurance is your go-to partner for all things workers’ comp in Colorado. We understand the ins and outs of the state’s laws, and we’re here to make workers’ comp a lot simpler. Request a consultation today to get started!

To speak with an agent right away, give us a call at (303) 773-3332 or email us at:

Best Business Insurance for Small Businesses

Protecting Your Legacy: The Best Business Insurance for Small Businesses


  • Looking for the best business insurance for small businesses? Here are the top three types: 
    • General Liability Insurance:
      • Essential for all small businesses
      • Covers third-party injuries, property damage, and advertising injuriesActs as a safety net against unexpected situations and lawsuits
      Commercial Property Insurance:
      • Safeguards physical assets, including buildings, contents, and business interruption
      • Protects against perils like fire, theft, vandalism, and natural disastersEnsures a quick recovery in case of asset compromise
    • Workers’ Compensation Insurance:
      • Required for businesses with employees in most states
      • Covers medical expenses, lost wages, and provides legal protection
      • Demonstrates commitment to employee safety

As a small business owner, you’ve poured your heart and soul into building your dream venture. Whether you run a cozy cafe, a tech startup, or a boutique store, your business is not just an investment; it’s a part of who you are. But as you navigate the unpredictable journey of entrepreneurship, it’s essential to safeguard your hard work and dedication. That’s why it’s important to find the best business insurance for small businesses.  Let’s explore the three best types of business insurance that will help you protect your small business.

What’s the Best Business Insurance for Small Businesses? Here are the Top 3 Types:

1). General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is arguably the best business insurance for small businesses. Every small business owner should consider it a fundamental necessity. This insurance type offers protection against a wide range of common risks, including:

  • Third-party injuries: If a customer slips and falls in your store or office, sustaining an injury, general liability insurance can cover their medical expenses and protect your business from costly lawsuits.
  • Property damage: Accidents happen, and if your business unintentionally damages someone else’s property, this insurance type can cover the costs of repair or replacement.
  • Advertising injuries: If your advertising efforts inadvertently lead to defamation, copyright infringement, or slander claims, general liability insurance can protect your business from legal consequences.

2). Commercial Property Insurance

Your business’s physical assets are invaluable, from your storefront or office space to your inventory, equipment, and furnishings. Commercial property insurance is designed to protect these assets from things like fire, theft, vandalism, and certain natural disasters.

Here’s what it typically covers:

  • Buildings: If you own the property where your business operates, commercial property insurance can cover damages to the structure itself, including walls, roofs, and floors.
  • Contents: This includes everything within your business premises, such as inventory, machinery, office furniture, and even personal belongings if they are essential to your business operations.
  • Business interruption: In case your business operations are temporarily halted due to a covered event, this insurance can compensate for lost income, ongoing expenses, and the costs associated with temporary relocation.

3). Workers’ Compensation Insurance

If your small business has employees, then workers’ compensation insurance is not just a good idea; it’s typically required by law in most states. This insurance type is crucial for protecting both your employees and your business in the event of workplace injuries or illnesses.

Workers’ comp covers things like:

  • Medical expenses: It pays for medical treatment, rehabilitation, and medication required to treat work-related injuries or illnesses sustained by your employees.
  • Lost wages: If an employee needs time off work to recover, this insurance can provide partial wage replacement, ensuring they have financial support during their recovery.
  • Legal protection: In exchange for workers’ compensation coverage, employees generally waive their right to sue their employer for workplace injuries, which can protect your business from costly lawsuits.

Chat with an Agent About Protecting Your Business Today

Navigating the world of business insurance can be daunting, especially when you’re focused on running your small business. That’s where we can help! We understand the unique challenges that small businesses face, and we’re here to help you find the right insurance solutions tailored to your specific needs. Contact us today, and let us help you find the best business insurance for your small business!

The Top 9 Life Insurance Questions and Answers

Exploring the Most Common Life Insurance Questions and Answers


  • 9 common life insurance questions and answers:
    • What is it and why do I need it? Life insurance is a contract between you and an insurance company, providing a payout to beneficiaries upon your passing.
    • How much coverage do I need? The amount of life insurance needed depends on factors such as debts, income replacement, education expenses, and more.
    • What types of life insurance are available? Types of life insurance include term life (temporary coverage) and permanent life (lifelong coverage with cash value).
    • How much does it cost? Premiums vary based on age, health, coverage amount, and policy type.
    • When is the best time to buy? The best time to buy life insurance is as early as possible to secure lower premiums.
    • What happens if I outlive my term life insurance policy? If you outlive your term life insurance policy, you can renew, convert to permanent insurance, or explore new options.
    • Can I have multiple policies? Multiple life insurance policies from different insurers can be strategically used for various needs and beneficiaries.
    • Do I need a medical exam to qualify? Medical exams may be required for some policies, while others offer simplified underwriting.
    • Can I change my beneficiaries? Beneficiaries can be changed at any time by updating your policy with your insurance company.

Life insurance is a great way to provide for your loved ones even after you’re no longer here to be the sole provider. Better than a savings account, life insurance offers a variety of benefits to your beneficiaries. But if you’re like most people, then you probably have several questions about how these policies work. That’s why we’re counting down the top 9 life insurance questions and answers. Here, you’ll find everything you’ll need to know about these helpful policies (and more)!  

9 Life Insurance Questions and Answers

1. What is life insurance, and why do I need it?

Up first on our list of life insurance questions and answers: what is it and why do I need it? Life insurance is a contract between you and an insurance company. You pay regular premiums, and in return, the insurer provides a payout to your beneficiaries (the people you choose) upon your death. The primary purpose of life insurance is to offer financial security to your loved ones, helping them cover expenses like funeral costs, outstanding debts, and ongoing living expenses.

Top 9 Life Insurance Questions and Answers - Avalue Insurance
Top 9 Life Insurance Questions and Answers – Avalue Insurance

2. How much life insurance do I need?

The amount of life insurance you require depends on your individual circumstances, including your financial obligations, future goals, and family’s needs. Common factors to consider include:

  • Outstanding debts (mortgage, loans, credit cards).
  • Funeral and burial expenses.
  • Income replacement for your family.
  • Children’s education expenses.
  • Estate taxes, if applicable.

3. What types of life insurance are available?

There are two primary types of life insurance: term life insurance and permanent life insurance.

  • Term Life Insurance: Provides coverage for a specific term, typically 10, 20, or 30 years. It offers lower premiums but does not accumulate cash value.
  • Permanent Life Insurance: Includes options like whole life, universal life, and variable life insurance. These policies offer lifelong coverage and often feature a cash value component that can grow over time.

4. How much does life insurance cost?

The cost of life insurance varies based on several factors, including your age, health, coverage amount, and the type of policy you choose. Generally, term life insurance tends to be more affordable than permanent life insurance.

5. When is the best time to buy life insurance?

The best time to purchase life insurance is as early as possible. Premiums are typically lower when you’re younger and healthier. However, it’s never too late to sign up!

6. What happens if I outlive my term life insurance policy?

If you outlive your term life insurance policy, you typically have a few options. You can renew the policy, convert it to permanent insurance (if available), or explore new coverage options.

7. Can I have multiple policies?

Yes, you can have multiple policies from different insurers. This can be a strategic approach to tailor your coverage to different financial needs and beneficiaries.

8. Do I need a medical exam to get life insurance?

The requirement for a medical exam varies depending on the type and amount of coverage you seek. Some policies may require a medical examination, while others offer “no-exam” or simplified underwriting options. The choice often impacts the cost of your premiums.

9. Can I change my beneficiaries?

Last on our list of life insurance questions and answers is: can I change my beneficiaries, or are they locked in? Yes, you can change your beneficiaries at any time by contacting your insurance company and updating your policy. It’s important to review your beneficiary designation regularly to make sure it aligns with your current wishes.

Speak with a Life Insurance Professional Today!

There you have it — the top 9 life insurance questions and answers! But if you still have questions that you’d like answered, then don’t worry. We’re here to help! Contact Avalue Insurance today to receive expert guidance on the best policy for you and your loved ones!

You can also give us a call at (303) 773-3332 or email us at: 

Why You Need General Liability Insurance for an LLC

Protecting Your Small Business: The Benefits of Having General Liability Insurance for an LLC


  • Thinking about getting general liability insurance for an LLC? Here’s why it’s a game-changer:
    • General liability insurance protects against lawsuits, covering legal defense costs, settlements, or judgments.
    • It provides coverage for property damage, shielding your business assets from financial burdens.
    • The insurance covers medical expenses for third parties injured on your business premises.
    • Advertising injury protection safeguards against unintentional marketing-related disputes.
    • Having general liability insurance for an LLC can give you a competitive edge and build trust with clients.

When most people think “commercial insurance”, they think “corporations”. The larger the business, the more insurance coverage it needs — or so you may think! But the size of your business doesn’t dictate the amount of protection it needs. While big corporations usually invest in extensive insurance plans, small businesses can still benefit from certain types of insurance — especially generally liability insurance. In most cases, having general liability insurance for an LLC is a great idea. It could even be exactly what your small business needs to stay afloat!

So, how do you know if you need general liability insurance for an LLC? Let’s talk about it.

General Liability Insurance for an LLC - Avalue Insurance
General Liability Insurance for an LLC – Avalue Insurance

Why it’s a Great Idea to Get General Liability Insurance for an LLC:

1). Protection Against Lawsuits

Regardless of how meticulous you are in managing your business, accidents can still happen. All it takes is one mishap, and suddenly, you’re being held personally liable for legal defense costs, settlements, or judgments resulting from bodily injury or property damage. General liability insurance steps in to shoulder these expenses, ensuring that your business and your assets are protected.

2). Coverage for Property Damage

Accidents can lead to unintentional property damage. For instance, consider a scenario where your small construction LLC is renovating a client’s home, and one of your workers accidentally damages a valuable piece of art. If you don’t have general liability insurance, you’d be on the hook for covering the cost of repairs or replacements from your business assets. But with insurance, your policy can pick up the tab for you.

3). Medical Expenses

If a third party sustains an injury on your business premises, whether it’s a customer or a visitor, general liability insurance can cover their medical expenses. This encompasses immediate medical treatment, ambulance fees, and even follow-up care costs. By having this coverage, your small LLC can showcase its commitment to the well-being of your customers, fostering more trust and goodwill and possibly avoiding a lawsuit!

4). Advertising Protection

In the world of marketing and advertising, it’s easy to inadvertently step on someone else’s toes. Whether it’s unintentional copyright infringement in an advertisement or accidental misrepresentation, general liability insurance offers protection against advertising mishaps. This coverage ensures that if your small LLC faces claims related to advertising practices, you have the financial support to address the issue.

5). Competitive Edge

Having general liability insurance for an LLC can also give you a competitive edge. Many clients and customers prefer to work with businesses that are adequately insured. It signals your commitment to professionalism, responsibility, and the well-being of those you serve. In a crowded marketplace, this advantage can help your small LLC stand out!

Insure Your LLC Today!

Don’t let the size of your business dissuade you from insuring it. Having general liability insurance for an LLC can be a game-changer, and we’re here to help you get the coverage that you need. Our experienced agents are here to help you secure a policy that perfectly aligns with your small LLC’s needs. Contact us today to request a consultation, and start comparing policies with an experienced commercial insurance agent!

Partner Carriers

  • Allstate
  • Assurant Flood
  • Auto Owners
  • Bristol West
  • Builders Risk/US Assure
  • Chubb
  • Markel
  • CNA
  • Foremost
  • Hull & Company
  • Liberty Mutual
  • Nationwide
  • Philadelphia
  • Pinnacol
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • The Hartford
  • Travelers